You are the best investment you will ever make and you deserve it. OM (orgasmic meditation) is a specialized but \”goal-less\” wellness practice. Investing in your emotions changes how you think and act.OM is not decompression therapy, it is the ongoing practice of inner peace. Investing into yourself will pay you the healthy return of you preforming as you should and all will benefit from you actively pursuing your own happiness. You deserve it, the world derserves a happy you!
Shockingly here in South Africa half of us have stress levels so overwhelming that people are unable to attend work for a period (compared to a global country average of 39%). Furthermore, a staggering 71% of South Africans have encountered stress levels that made them feel incapable of coping with life\’s demands. In other words: half of us are apathetic, we feel unable to change anything, even if we are being disatvantaged.

Set time aside to just be and become conected to the ALL, LIFE is to be enjoyed by all and while struggles and challenges is living, being miserable and in a state of apathy is not. You deserve to live in a happy state of mind. You deserve to feel motivated. Invest in YOU, you deserve it. Practising Orgasmic Meditation regulary will change how you feel and that will change how you act.
During your visit you will be guided to listen to your body and give in to the extended feelings that arise during the genital stimulation (without) the goal of climaxing.OM is a meditation in connection merging the power of meditation with the experience of being in an orgasmic state.With OM, you are focused on an internal practice and being grounded in your breath and energy rather than the physical touch. The idea is to \”focus on your breath and keep your mind calm and focused on the pleasure.\”
Altering brain activity in the frontal lobe where we process emotion is just one of the benifts of OM. Please refer to this article at neurosciencenews
It\’s a happy coincidence (synchronicity) that the abreviation for this meditation therapy is Om, the sound of the universe. It\’s often chanted in yoga and meditation sessions which makes you feel calm, peaceful and increases mindfulness. More than just a sound, it’s a mantra, a vibration that involves finding inner peace by connecting yourself with the universe\’s energy.

Chanting Om are profound and multifaceted, impacting the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. Physically, the vibrations from chanting Om can help regulate heart rhythm, improve immunity, and even provide relief from certain ailments like stomach aches.
Mentally, Om chanting is a proven technique to enhance focus, improve memory, and reduce stress and anxiety. It\’s a powerful tool for promoting mental clarity and tranquility, helping to clear the mind of negative thoughts.
On a spiritual level, chanting Om aligns our individual energy with the universal energy, fostering a deep sense of connection and inner peace. Regular Aum meditation can lead to increased mindfulness and spiritual growth.
During your guided OM session your therapist will stroke a very spesific area on your gentitals very lightly in a formilated manner with a gloved, well lubricated finger (for women) or fingers (for men).This is a 15 minute mindful medidation excercise wherin orgasm is not the goal. Despite the name of this meditation, our goal is the reduction of anxiety.
It is recomended that OM should be a stand alone practise and not be used as foreplay, always 15 minues long,always exactly the same.This ensures your relaxation because you will always know what exactly is comming next. Your session will always start with breathwork so please put at least 30 minutes aside for your bi-weekly visit
Prioritize your physical and mental health, so that you have increased positive energy and feel your best. I know people are terrified of spending money, especially on themselves. If you aren’t investing in your own happiness and your own life, what is the point? We have to remember that money is just energy. And energy needs to flow. Money is neutral. It is us that gives it meaning.
Happiness starts within and it starts with prioritizing our own basic needs. You really are the best investment you will ever make, and you deserve it.
OM Monthly Package
R5000 for 8 guided sessions
(Guided breath meditation included)
Money can not buy happiness, but can happiness buy money?